
8/10- Back in Philly. Summer's over. Expect more updates.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hello, Sound World!

I just finished my first sound design assignment. We had to cut apart a song and edit it to make something else entirely. I chose the Bad Brains' "Sailin' On" as my source material and came up with this. The nuances are essential to the listening experience, so throw in your smokin' buds, toss on your ultrasones and have a listen.

Here's a link to the source material. The song's right but the video isn't. Close your eyes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like it! I didn't have to do anything, other than make a small adjustment on my hearing aides, for it to sound great! T even came running from the other room as it began, listened, and then took off on one of his search and destroy missions.