
8/10- Back in Philly. Summer's over. Expect more updates.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Fish Update

I went home last night and did a new count of the fry-lets. Some of those I previously thought dead moved about and relocated to the side of the tank with their brethren. New count is 63 living baby fishes.

Some of the larger ones were swimming around. Exciting times.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Another shoot.

More stills coming soon.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I came into my room today to find a bunch of tiny white balls floating around my goldfish tank. After staring at them wondering how the tank got so polluted for a while, I decided they were eggs and started trasferring them to my holding tank. I got a good amount of them moved over and then consulted the internet for information on how to properly care for my potential new fishlets.

Much to my dismay, the internet said goldfish eggs that are white and opaque have fallen prey to fungus and will not hatch. Bummed out, i started to throw them out.

Then I noticed a little wiggling black line. I looked closer to find two little dots on one end. Fish fry!

I went back to the main tank and started seeing tons of them!

Nobody ever told me I was observant. Not only did I not notice viable eggs floating around the tank for 5 days, I hadn't noticed my approximately 5 day old fish babies either. Oh well.

I set to transferring them to the small tank so the parents wouldn't eat them. When all was said and done, I have approximately 28 living fishlets clinging to the side of the tank, and almost as many dead ones lying on the bottom. I guess my method of scooping them up in a pint glass and dumping them into the tank was a bit too much of a strain on their fragile little bodies. Oops.

I'd post pictures, but the camera I have right now wont focus on the fishlets because they're too small. More updates will come when things happen.

Wish me luck in raising my new little babies.

On a side note, now I understand why Betamax was chasing Pongo around the cage all the time, pushing into her. Turns out they weren't fighting over food; turns out they were making sweet sweet fish love. Oh, and Pongo is apparently now a girl. Who knew?

Monday, February 9, 2009

First Sign of Life

The production's been plagued by scheduling problems and logistical nightmares.  However, there's been two successful shoots.  Here're some stills.

Friday, February 6, 2009

A Preview

A Preview of things to come using old footage.  Rough effects test video.  

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hello, Sound World!

I just finished my first sound design assignment. We had to cut apart a song and edit it to make something else entirely. I chose the Bad Brains' "Sailin' On" as my source material and came up with this. The nuances are essential to the listening experience, so throw in your smokin' buds, toss on your ultrasones and have a listen.

Here's a link to the source material. The song's right but the video isn't. Close your eyes.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Artist Statement

We had to write artist statements for our thesis catalog recently. Here's mine:

The world itself is an absurd, unfair and frequently hostile place. At any point a meaningful life can lose all its meaning. It is during an existential confrontation with unrelenting external forces and the resultant breakdown of assumed truths in which we are most in touch with our condition as humans. Matt’s work eschews the idea of cinema as mere entertainment or a vehicle of escapism and favors a sense of realism that strives towards revelations of the human condition. Matt finds kinship in Joseph Conrad, who once stated, “My task…is to make you hear, to make you feel – and, above all, to make you see. That is all, and it is everything.”

Sunday, February 1, 2009

He's Not There

Click here to view.

Slightly edited for internetableness. Click above to play video.