
8/10- Back in Philly. Summer's over. Expect more updates.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Out of Control

I have officially lost control of my life. My senior thesis film has taken over.

I spent the majority of the weekend preparing for this coming weekend's auditions for my film. I answered emails for at least twelve hours (probably more) from people requesting appointments to read, asking for more information about the film, trying to get me to join their projects, etc. It was a royal headache.

Then I made the promise that I'd have sides (script excerpts to prepare for auditions) ready by Saturday Night/Sunday morning. I needed to have one ready for each of my five characters. I halfway wrote one Saturday night, then woke up Sunday morning to a slew of new emails. I answered those as new ones continued to flow in, attempted to fill in audition timeslots and organize headshots and resumes. 2pm rolled around, and I had no sides ready.

It's now a quarter after eleven, Sunday night. I have caught up on emails, sent out sides to all that need them, and played one round of Call of Duty on my new Xbox (more on the lack of control in the whole debacle of getting that later).

It's slightly terrifying how Karma works across the fiction-reality boundary line. For writing a film that deals with a girl who loses all control of her life while a series of bad things happens to her, I'm getting punished in the real world by losing all control of my own life.

Now it's time to start the homework for my other four classes.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

The deadline for USC is completely ridiculous and I've bailed out as well. Always next year, for sure!